Film 42nd Street Forever, Volume 3: Exploitation Explosion online (2008)

42nd Street Forever, Volume 3: Exploitation Explosion 
101 min   80%
Krajina: USA
Popis na CSFD
Už v poradí tretia explózia trailerov 42nd Street Forever, úspešne nadväzuje kvalitou a tématickým rozdelením, na predchádzajúce Volume 2: The Deuce z pred dvoch rokov. Okrem exploitation príchute, prináša Volume 3 konkrétne aj jednotlivé kapitoly trailerov, zamerané napríklad na kung-fu filmy a iné mlátičky, démonické a následne aj zvieracie horory, akčné oddychovky, či v neposlednom rade sekciu plnú ženskej nahoty. Kompilácia 42nd Street Forever, Volume 3: Exploitation Explosion obsahuje 56 trailerov (47 základ, plus 9 krátkych v bonusovej sekcii). Menovite sú to: Sudden Death (1977) The One Armed Executioner (1983) Jaguar Lives! (1979) Enter the Ninja (1981) Kozure Ôkami: Shinikazeni mukau ubaguruma [Lightning Swords of Death] (1972) Tian xia di yi quan [Five Fingers of Death] (1972) El kárate, el Colt y el impostor [The Stranger and the Gunfighter] (1974) Chi sei? [Beyond the Door] (1974) Demonoid: Messenger of Death (1981) Il medaglione insanguinato [The Night Child] (1975) Peopletoys [Devil Times Five] (1974) Patrick (1978) Jennifer (1978) Phase IV (1974) Bug (1975) The Uncanny (1977) The Pack (1977) Alligator (1980) Killer Fish (1979) Sharks' Treasure (1975) Blood Beach (1980) Hot T-Shirts (1980) The Great American Girl Robbery [Cheerleaders' Wild Weekend] (1979) Summer School Teachers (1974) Gorp (1980) King Frat (1979) Prison Girls (1972) Fun and Games [1,000 Convicts and a Woman] (1971) Chain Gang Women (1971) The Penthouse (1967) Death Weekend [The House by the Lake] (1979) Night Call Nurses (1972) The Young Nurses (1973) Candy Stripe Nurses (1974) The Life and Times of Xaviera Hollander (1974) The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood (1980) Supervivientes de los Andes [Survive!] (1976) Guyana: Crime of the Century [Guyana: Cult of the Damned] (1979) Seven (1979) Scorchy (1976) Savage Streets (1984) Convoy (1978) High-Ballin' (1978) Telefon (1977) From Noon Till Three (1976) Lies (1983) Tattoo (1981). Krátke trailery z bonusovej sekcie sú k filmom: Jaguar Lives! (1979) High-Ballin' (1978) Kenka karate kyokushinken [Champion of Death] (1975) The Seniors (1978) Ultimo mondo cannibale [The Last Survivor] (1977) The Jesus Trip (1971) Naked Angels (1969) Billy Jack (1971) Golden Needles (1974).(Kusko.t2)
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Trvanie filmu
101 min

80% (4) z 1 hodnotení
IMDB rating
42nd Street Forever, Volume 3: Exploitation Explosion je z roku 2008. Hodnotenie je 80%. Trvanie filmu je 101 min. Hlavné úlohy si zahrali Michael Gingold, Chris Poggiali, Edwin Samuelson.
42nd Street Forever, Volume 3: Exploitation Explosion 2008

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