Záznam z trutnovského festivalu. Tracklist: DISK 1 (pátek): Deformed Mincing Fury and Guttural Clamour of Queer Decay Fleshgore Sufferage Detrimentum Gutted Psychofagist Mindlfair Wasteform Fleshless Birdflesh Brodequin Gronibard Blood Extreme Noise Terror Screaming Afterbirth Insane Assholes Bloody Diarrhoea + Hell's Show, Interviews, Stagediver's Manual DISK 2 (sobota): Lahar Grobar Warscars Despise Antigama Poppy Seed Grinder Amputated Abortion Cliteater Godless Truth Requiem Embalming Theatre Emeth Prostitute Disfigurement Resurrected Gride Romperprop Butcher ABC Natron Uncurbed Squash Bowels General Surgery Le Scrawl Despondancy Coma Pigsty Škoda 120 (FMJ)